Conference Agenda
October 30th, Wednesday
8:00 AM Registration, Continental Breakfast & Exams given if requested
9:00 AM Welcome – CA ARPAS President, Luke Miller DVM, PAS
9:10 AM “California Methane Mitigation, Policies and Carbon Credits”
KC Gutenberger, CDFA - FFLDRS
Cathryn McCandles – OEFI, CDFA
Conor McCabe – UCD scholarship recipient
Sharissa Anderson – UCD scholarship recipient
10:45 Carbon/Methane talks Q&A
11:00 AM Break
11:20 AM Update on H5N1 and Biosecurity Recommendations -Natalie Ward, DVM, CDFA Veterinarian
12:00 PM Lunch
1:15 PM “Health and stress management in young calves” – Anne Laarman, PhD, University of Alberta
2:15 PM Scholarship recipient presentation Ashley Waymire
2:30 PM Break
2:45 PM “Precision Feeding Dairy Cow Pens with Machine Learning” – Padraig Lucey, DVM, PhD, PAS Elanco
3:45 PM Scholarship recipient presentations Madison Kindberg
4:15 PM National ARPAS Update
4:20 PM CA ARPAS Business Meeting
5:45 PM Intellectual Discussion Hour (Hosted by CA ARPAS)
Harris Ranch Resort
24505 W Dorris Ave, Coalinga, CA 93210
Conference Agenda
October 31st, October
7:30 AM Continental Breakfast
8:00 AM “The resilient long-lived dairy cow: Current concepts and future solutions”– Matt Lucy, PhD, Univ. of Missouri
9:00 AM SGMA Update, Geoff Vanden Heuvel – Milk Producers Council
9:30 AM Break
9:40 AM “Turbocharging Fresh Cow Diets” – Tom Overton, PhD, Cornell
10:40 AM “Mitigation strategies for hypocalcemia” - David Vagnoni, PhD, Cal Poly, SLO
11:40 AM Adjourn